DIY Guide: Make Hair Growth Serum at Home

how to make hair growth serum at home

Creating a DIY hair growth serum at home is not only a fun and rewarding project but also a cost-effective and natural way to promote hair growth and improve overall hair health. With just a few ingredients, you can whip up your own customized serum that is free from harmful chemicals and tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Let’s dive into the world of DIY hair growth serums and discover how you can achieve luscious locks from the comfort of your own home.

Key Takeaways:

  • Making your own DIY hair growth serum is a cost-effective and natural way to promote hair growth.
  • Ditch the harmful chemicals found in commercial products and opt for a customized serum made from natural ingredients.
  • DIY hair growth serums offer a variety of benefits, including stimulating new cell growth and enhancing blood circulation.
  • Essential oils like rosemary, lavender, and peppermint play a crucial role in DIY hair growth serums.
  • Carrier oils, such as jojoba, argan, coconut, or sweet almond oil, dilute and enhance the effectiveness of essential oils in the serum.

The Benefits of DIY Hair Growth Serums

DIY hair growth serums offer a variety of benefits for your hair. These homemade solutions can stimulate new cell growth, enhance blood circulation, deeply condition the scalp, and speed up hair growth. By using natural ingredients, you can avoid harsh chemicals often found in commercial hair products and customize the serum to fit your specific needs. Additionally, creating your own DIY hair growth serum allows you to save money compared to purchasing expensive store-bought serums.

Using natural hair growth serum ingredients such as essential oils and carrier oils, you can promote healthier hair growth without exposing your hair to harmful chemicals. Unlike commercial products that often contain sulfates, parabens, and other harsh additives, homemade hair care products offer a gentler alternative that nourishes your hair from the roots to the tips.

One of the key hair growth serum benefits is its ability to stimulate new cell growth. Essential oils like rosemary and lavender have been proven to increase hair thickness and accelerate hair growth. These oils work by stimulating the hair follicles and promoting a healthy scalp environment, which is essential for optimal hair growth.

Additionally, DIY hair growth serums can enhance blood circulation to the scalp, which further nourishes the hair follicles and promotes hair growth. Increased blood flow helps deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots, strengthening the hair and supporting its growth phase.

Deeply Conditioning and Moisturizing

A homemade hair growth serum deeply conditions the scalp, providing much-needed moisture and hydration to dry and damaged hair. Essential oils like peppermint and chamomile have soothing and hydrating properties that alleviate scalp inflammation and relieve itchiness. When combined with carrier oils, these ingredients create a powerful moisturizing and conditioning treatment for your hair.

Customizable and Cost-effective

Creating your own DIY hair growth serum allows you to customize the formula according to your specific needs. You can choose the natural hair growth serum ingredients that work best for your hair type, whether it’s dry, oily, or prone to dandruff. Tailoring the serum to your unique requirements ensures maximum effectiveness and results.

Moreover, homemade hair growth serums are a cost-effective alternative to pricey commercial products. The natural ingredients used in these serums are often more affordable than store-bought serums, allowing you to save money without compromising on quality. By investing in a few key ingredients and making your own serum at home, you can enjoy the benefits of a nourishing hair care product without breaking the bank.

To fully understand the benefits of DIY hair growth serums, let’s take a closer look at the essential oils and carrier oils commonly used in these homemade hair care products.

Essential Oils for Hair Growth

When it comes to DIY hair growth serums, essential oils are key ingredients that provide numerous benefits for promoting healthy hair growth. Incorporating essential oils into your homemade hair growth serums can help stimulate hair follicles, soothe the scalp, and address common hair concerns like dandruff and oily hair.

Some of the best essential oils for hair growth include:

  • Rosemary oil: Known for its ability to improve circulation and stimulate hair growth.
  • Lavender oil: Soothes the scalp and promotes hair growth.
  • Peppermint oil: Stimulates hair follicles and helps enhance hair thickness.
  • Chamomile oil: Calms the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.
  • Geranium oil: Balances sebum production and encourages hair growth.
  • Cypress oil: Boosts blood circulation in the scalp and promotes hair growth.
  • Tea tree oil: Treats dandruff, scalp infections, and stimulates hair growth.

Combining these essential oils with carrier oils such as jojoba, argan, coconut, or sweet almond oil creates a potent and effective homemade hair growth serum. Carrier oils help dilute the essential oils, making them safe for direct application to the scalp.

Benefits of Essential Oils in Hair Growth Serums

The essential oils mentioned above provide a range of benefits for hair growth, including:

  1. Promoting blood circulation in the scalp, which nourishes hair follicles and supports healthy hair growth.
  2. Reducing scalp inflammation and soothing irritations, creating an optimal environment for hair growth.
  3. Addressing common hair problems like dandruff and oily scalp, keeping the scalp clean and healthy.
  4. Strengthening the hair shaft and improving hair elasticity, reducing breakage and promoting longer, thicker hair.
  5. Adding a pleasant fragrance to your homemade hair growth serum.

By harnessing the power of essential oils in your DIY hair growth serum, you can create a natural and organic solution that enhances the overall health and appearance of your hair.

essential oils for hair growth

Essential Oil Benefits
Rosemary oil Improves circulation and stimulates hair growth
Lavender oil Soothes the scalp and promotes hair growth
Peppermint oil Stimulates hair follicles and enhances hair thickness
Chamomile oil Calms the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth
Geranium oil Balance sebum production and encourages hair growth
Cypress oil Boosts blood circulation and promotes hair growth
Tea tree oil Treats dandruff, scalp infections, and stimulates hair growth

Carrier Oils for Hair Growth

When it comes to creating DIY hair growth serums, carrier oils are essential ingredients. These oils serve as a base and dilute the potent essential oils, making them safe to use on the scalp. Additionally, carrier oils provide their own nourishing and conditioning properties, contributing to overall hair health and growth.

There are several carrier oils that are known for their ability to promote hair growth. Let’s explore some of the best options:

Carrier Oil Benefits
Jojoba Oil Moisturizes the scalp, prevents hair breakage, and stimulates hair growth.
Argan Oil Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fatty acids to nourish the hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth.
Coconut Oil Penetrates the hair shaft, strengthens the hair, and reduces protein loss, leading to longer and healthier hair.
Sweet Almond Oil Conditions the scalp, prevents hair loss, and adds shine and softness to the hair.

When combined with the right essential oils, these carrier oils create a synergistic effect, increasing the effectiveness of the hair growth serum. Experiment with different carrier oils to discover which one works best for your hair type and desired results.

natural hair growth serum ingredients

Now that we have explored carrier oils, let’s move on to the next section and learn how to make your own DIY hair growth serum using these natural ingredients.

How to Make Your Own DIY Hair Growth Serum

Creating your own DIY hair growth serum is a straightforward process that requires a few simple steps. With the right ingredients and a little bit of time, you can make a natural and effective serum to promote hair growth and improve the health of your hair. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Gather the essential oils:
    • Rosemary oil
    • Lavender oil
    • Peppermint oil
    • Tea tree oil
  2. Choose a carrier oil:
    • Jojoba oil
    • Argan oil
    • Coconut oil
    • Sweet almond oil
  3. Combine the oils:In a glass dropper bottle, combine a few drops of each essential oil with the carrier oil of your choice. The exact ratio will depend on your hair type and preferences. As a general guideline, you can use about 10 drops of essential oil for every 1 ounce (30 mL) of carrier oil.
  4. Shake well:Close the bottle tightly and shake it well to ensure proper blending of the oils.
  5. Apply to the scalp:Using the dropper, apply a few drops of the serum directly onto your scalp. Massage gently to distribute the serum evenly.
  6. Leave on and wash:Leave the serum on for 10-15 minutes to allow the oils to penetrate the scalp. Then, wash your hair as usual.

Repeat this process regularly to enjoy the benefits of your homemade hair growth serum. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to promoting hair growth and maintaining healthy hair.

Hair Growth Serum Recipe and Instructions

Creating your own DIY hair growth serum is a simple and enjoyable process. By using natural ingredients, you can nourish your hair and promote healthy growth without the use of harsh chemicals. Follow this easy homemade hair growth serum recipe and enjoy the benefits of luscious, fuller hair.


  • Essential oils: Choose from rosemary, lavender, peppermint, and tea tree oil. These oils are known to stimulate hair growth and improve scalp health.
  • Carrier oils: Consider using jojoba, argan, coconut, or sweet almond oil. These oils provide vital nutrients and promote moisturized, healthy hair.
  • Glass dropper bottle: Use a clean, empty glass dropper bottle to store and apply your homemade hair growth serum.


  1. In the glass dropper bottle, combine 2-3 drops of each essential oil of your choice.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of your preferred carrier oil to the bottle.
  3. Tightly fasten the bottle cap and shake well to thoroughly blend the oils.
  4. Apply a few drops of the serum directly onto your scalp and gently massage it in using your fingertips.
  5. Leave the serum on for 10-15 minutes to allow the oils to penetrate your scalp.
  6. Afterwards, wash your hair as usual and enjoy the nourishing benefits of your homemade hair growth serum.

Remember, consistency is key when using a DIY hair growth serum. Incorporate this serum into your hair care routine, applying it 2-3 times a week for optimal results. With regular use, you’ll notice improved hair health and increased growth. Enjoy the natural and cost-effective benefits of your homemade hair growth serum!


Whether you choose to create your own organic hair growth serum at home or opt for a professionally formulated product, the key is to commit to a regular hair care routine that suits your lifestyle and preferences. DIY hair growth serums provide the advantages of natural ingredients and customization, allowing you to nourish and promote the health of your hair and scalp.

By incorporating these serums into your routine, you can stimulate hair growth, improve the overall health of your hair, and enjoy the added benefit of cost savings compared to store-bought alternatives. The use of natural ingredients ensures that you are avoiding harsh chemicals that may be present in commercial products, making DIY hair growth serums a safer and more organic option for your hair care needs.

Start your journey towards luscious, fuller hair and a healthier scalp by creating your own organic hair growth serum at home. With consistent use, you’ll see the benefits of improved hair health and significant hair growth, all while knowing that you are using a natural and personalized solution.

DIY Hair Growth Serum: Boost Locks Naturally


What are the benefits of making a DIY hair growth serum at home?

DIY hair growth serums offer a variety of benefits such as stimulating new cell growth, enhancing blood circulation, deeply conditioning the scalp, and speeding up hair growth. They also allow you to avoid harmful chemicals found in commercial products and customize the serum to fit your specific needs.

What are the best essential oils for hair growth?

Some of the best essential oils for hair growth include rosemary, lavender, peppermint, chamomile, geranium, cypress, and tea tree oil. These oils promote hair growth, soothe the scalp, and address various hair problems like dandruff and oily hair.

Which carrier oils are best for promoting hair growth?

The best carrier oils for hair growth include jojoba, argan, coconut, and sweet almond oil. These oils moisturize, nourish, and condition the hair, promoting overall hair health and growth.

How do I make my own DIY hair growth serum?

To make your own DIY hair growth serum, you will need essential oils like rosemary, lavender, peppermint, and tea tree oil, as well as a carrier oil like jojoba, argan, coconut, or sweet almond oil. Combine the essential and carrier oils in a glass dropper bottle and shake well to blend. Apply a few drops of the serum directly onto the scalp, massage it in, and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before washing your hair as usual.

Can you provide a simple recipe for a hair growth serum?

Sure! Here’s a simple hair growth serum recipe: Combine 10 drops of rosemary essential oil, 10 drops of lavender essential oil, 5 drops of peppermint essential oil, and 3 drops of tea tree oil with 2 tablespoons of your chosen carrier oil (jojoba, argan, coconut, or sweet almond oil). Mix well and store in a glass dropper bottle.

Are there any benefits to using a DIY hair growth serum compared to store-bought options?

Yes, DIY hair growth serums offer the benefits of natural ingredients, customization, and cost-effectiveness. By using homemade serums, you can nourish and promote the health of your hair and scalp while avoiding harsh chemicals often found in store-bought alternatives.

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